Hambali, Maturb., Heatubun & J.Dransf.
Citation Micro:
Palms 44: 171 (2000)
WFO Identifier:
Common Names
- Caryota zebrina
- Zebrina Caryota
- Caryota
Caryota zebrina (also called Zebra Palm, among many other common names) is a species of palm native to India and Sri Lanka. It is a large, single-stemmed palm with a fishtail-shaped crown of leaves. It grows in tropical and subtropical forests and prefers moist, well-drained soils.
Uses & Benefits
Caryota zebrina is a popular ornamental plant used in landscaping. It is also known to be a good air purifier, and its leaves can be used to make thatch roofs.
Flower, Seeds and Seedlings
The flower of Caryota zebrina is a small, white, fragrant flower with a short, curved labellum. The seed is a small, round, black seed. The seedlings are small, round, and light green.
Cultivation and Propagation
Caryota zebrina is a palm native to India and Sri Lanka. It is best grown in a well-draining soil mix with plenty of organic matter. Propagation is best done by division of the offsets produced by the plant. It can also be propagated from seed.
Where to Find Caryota zebrina
Caryota zebrina can be found in tropical and subtropical regions of Asia and Africa.
Caryota zebrina FAQ
What is the scientific name of Caryota zebrina?
Caryota zebrina
What is the common name of Caryota zebrina?
Zebra palm
Where does Caryota zebrina grow?
It is found in India, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar
Species in the Caryota genus
Caryota albertii,
Caryota cumingii,
Caryota kiriwongensis,
Caryota maxima,
Caryota mitis,
Caryota monostachya,
Caryota no,
Caryota obtusa,
Caryota ophiopellis,
Caryota rumphiana,
Caryota sympetala,
Caryota urens,
Caryota zebrina,
Caryota angustifolia,
Caryota alberti,
Species in the Arecaceae family
Acanthophoenix crinita,
Acanthophoenix rubra,
Acanthophoenix rousselii,
Acoelorraphe wrightii,
Acrocomia aculeata,
Acrocomia crispa,
Acrocomia hassleri,
Acrocomia intumescens,
Acrocomia totai,
Acrocomia emensis,
Acrocomia glaucescens,
Acrocomia corumbaensi,
Actinorhytis calapparia,
Actinorhytis calapparia,
Adonidia merrillii,
Adonidia dransfieldii,
Aiphanes graminifolia,
Aiphanes bicornis,
Aiphanes buenaventurae,
Aiphanes multiplex,
Aiphanes acaulis,
Aiphanes chiribogensis,
Aiphanes concinna,
Aiphanes deltoidea,
Aiphanes duquei,
Aiphanes eggersii,
Aiphanes erinacea,
Aiphanes gelatinosa,
Aiphanes grandis,
Aiphanes hirsuta,
Aiphanes horrida,
Aiphanes killipii,
Aiphanes leiostachys,
Aiphanes lindeniana,
Aiphanes linearis,
Aiphanes macroloba,
Aiphanes minima,
Aiphanes parvifolia,
Aiphanes pilaris,
Aiphanes simplex,
Aiphanes spicata,
Aiphanes tricuspidata,
Aiphanes truncata,
Aiphanes ulei,
Aiphanes verrucosa,
Aiphanes weberbaueri,
Aiphanes argos,
Aiphanes tatama,
Aiphanes gloria,
Aiphanes decipiens,
Gregori G. Hambali: Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Hambali' in the authors string.
Rudi A. Maturbongs: Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Maturb.' in the authors string.