

Dowe & M.D.Ferrero



Citation Micro:
Blumea 46: 241 (2001)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Yamutumene Calyptrocalyx
  • Calyptrocalyx Yamutumene
  • Yamutumene Bush-Lily

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Calyptrocalyx yamutumene (also called Yamutumene Calyptrocalyx, among many other common names) is a shrub native to South Africa. It has small, oval leaves and white, pink or purple flowers. It grows in grasslands, scrub and rocky areas.

Uses & Benefits

Calyptrochilum yamutumene is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and as a cut flower. It is also used as a medicinal plant for treating a variety of ailments.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

Calyptrocalyx yamutumene has a white flower with yellow stamens. The seed is a small black seed with a white hilum. The seedlings have a single pair of cotyledons.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Calyptrocalyx yamutumene is a perennial plant that is best grown in moist, well-drained soils in full sun to partial shade. It is best propagated by division in the spring or by seed. It can also be propagated by cuttings in the summer.

Where to Find Calyptrocalyx yamutumene

Calyptrocalyx yamutumene can be found in New Guinea.

Calyptrocalyx yamutumene FAQ

What is the growth rate of Calyptrocalyx yamutumene?

Calyptrocalyx yamutumene has a slow to moderate growth rate.

What is the soil type for Calyptrocalyx yamutumene?

Calyptrocalyx yamutumene prefers well-drained, sandy soils.

What is the light requirement for Calyptrocalyx yamutumene?

Calyptrocalyx yamutumene prefers full sun to partial shade.

Species in the Arecaceae family

Acanthophoenix crinita, Acanthophoenix rubra, Acanthophoenix rousselii, Acoelorraphe wrightii, Acrocomia aculeata, Acrocomia crispa, Acrocomia hassleri, Acrocomia intumescens, Acrocomia totai, Acrocomia emensis, Acrocomia glaucescens, Acrocomia corumbaensi, Actinorhytis calapparia, Actinorhytis calapparia, Adonidia merrillii, Adonidia dransfieldii, Aiphanes graminifolia, Aiphanes bicornis, Aiphanes buenaventurae, Aiphanes multiplex, Aiphanes acaulis, Aiphanes chiribogensis, Aiphanes concinna, Aiphanes deltoidea, Aiphanes duquei, Aiphanes eggersii, Aiphanes erinacea, Aiphanes gelatinosa, Aiphanes grandis, Aiphanes hirsuta, Aiphanes horrida, Aiphanes killipii, Aiphanes leiostachys, Aiphanes lindeniana, Aiphanes linearis, Aiphanes macroloba, Aiphanes minima, Aiphanes parvifolia, Aiphanes pilaris, Aiphanes simplex, Aiphanes spicata, Aiphanes tricuspidata, Aiphanes truncata, Aiphanes ulei, Aiphanes verrucosa, Aiphanes weberbaueri, Aiphanes argos, Aiphanes tatama, Aiphanes gloria, Aiphanes decipiens,


The Plant List v1.1 record kew-32690: Based on the initial data import
John Leslie Dowe (b.1962): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Dowe' in the authors string.
Michael D. Ferrero (b.1968): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'M.D.Ferrero' in the authors string.