




Citation Micro:
Oesterr. Bot. Z. 8: 350 (1858)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Subhastatum Anthurium
  • Subhastatum's Anthurium
  • Subhastatum Anthurium Plant

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Anthurium subhastatum (also called 'Hastate Anthurium' and 'Hastate-leaved Anthurium', among many other common names) is an evergreen, herbaceous perennial with an upright, spreading habit. It has large, fragrant white flowers and glossy green leaves. It is native to Central America and can be found in moist, well-drained soils in woodland areas.

Uses & Benefits

Anthurium subhastatum is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and as a houseplant. It is also used in floral arrangements and as a cut flower. The plant is known for its bright red flowers and glossy green leaves.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

Anthurium subhastatum has a bright red flower with a white spadix. The seed is a small, round, black seed. Seedlings have a single, heart-shaped leaf.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Anthurium subhastatum is a tropical evergreen plant that is native to the Caribbean and Central and South America. It can be propagated by division or by stem cuttings. To cultivate, it prefers a warm, humid environment with bright, indirect light. It should be watered regularly and fertilized every two weeks during the growing season.

Where to Find Anthurium subhastatum

Anthurium subhastatum can be found in the tropical forests of Central and South America.

Anthurium subhastatum FAQ

What is the scientific name of Anthurium subhastatum?

Anthurium subhastatum

What is the common name of Anthurium subhastatum?

Subhastate Anthurium

What is the natural habitat of Anthurium subhastatum?

It is native to Colombia

Species in the Anthurium genus

Anthurium acaule, Anthurium acutangulum, Anthurium acutifolium, Anthurium acutissimum, Anthurium acutum, Anthurium aduncum, Anthurium affine, Anthurium agnatum, Anthurium alatipedunculatum, Anthurium alatum, Anthurium albidum, Anthurium albispatha, Anthurium albovirescens, Anthurium alegriasense, Anthurium alticola, Anthurium amnicola, Anthurium amoenum, Anthurium anceps, Anthurium andicola, Anthurium andinum, Anthurium andraeanum, Anthurium andreslovinense, Anthurium angosturense, Anthurium angustatum, Anthurium angustilaminatum, Anthurium angustilobum, Anthurium angustisectum, Anthurium angustispadix, Anthurium anorianum, Anthurium antioquiense, Anthurium antonioanum, Anthurium antrophyoides, Anthurium apaporanum, Anthurium argyrostachyum, Anthurium aripoense, Anthurium arisaemoides, Anthurium aristatum, Anthurium armeniense, Anthurium aroense, Anthurium asplundii, Anthurium atropurpureum, Anthurium atroviride, Anthurium augustinum, Anthurium aureum, Anthurium auritum, Anthurium austin-smithii, Anthurium bakeri, Anthurium balaoanum, Anthurium balslevii, Anthurium barbacoasense,

Species in the Araceae family

Adelonema erythropus, Adelonema allenii, Adelonema crinipes, Adelonema hammelii, Adelonema kvistii, Adelonema mofflerianum, Adelonema orientale, Adelonema pallidinervium, Adelonema panamense, Adelonema peltatum, Adelonema picturatum, Adelonema roezlii, Adelonema speariae, Adelonema wallisii, Adelonema wendlandii, Adelonema yanamonoense, Aglaodorum griffithii, Aglaonema brevispathum, Aglaonema chermsiriwattanae, Aglaonema cochinchinense, Aglaonema commutatum, Aglaonema cordifolium, Aglaonema costatum, Aglaonema densinervium, Aglaonema flemingianum, Aglaonema hookerianum, Aglaonema marantifolium, Aglaonema modestum, Aglaonema nebulosum, Aglaonema nitidum, Aglaonema ovatum, Aglaonema philippinense, Aglaonema pictum, Aglaonema pumilum, Aglaonema rotunda, Aglaonema simplex, Aglaonema tricolor, Aglaonema vittatum, Aglaonema robeleynii, Aglaonema birmanicum, Aglaonema nicobaricum, Aglaonema tassae, Alloschemone inopinata, Alloschemone occidentalis, Alocasia megawatiae, Alocasia chaii, Alocasia infernalis, Alocasia nycteris, Alocasia hypoleuca, Alocasia jiewhoei,
