

(Roxb.) Adelb.



Citation Micro:
Blumea 6(1): 326. 1948 [1 Jun 1948] ; isonym

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Bouea oppositifolia
  • Opposite-leaved Bouea
  • Bouea of Opposite Leaf

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  • Mangifera oppositifolia Roxb. [unknown]
  • Matpania laotica Gagnep. [deprecated]
  • Bouea angustifolia Blume [unknown]
  • Bouea brandisiana Kurz [unknown]
  • Bouea burmanica Griff. [unknown]
  • Bouea burmanica kurzii Lecomte [unknown]
  • Bouea burmanica microphylla (Griff.) Engl. [unknown]
  • Bouea burmanica roxburghii Lecomte [unknown]
  • Bouea diversifolia Miq. [unknown]
  • Bouea gandaria Blume [unknown]
  • Bouea microphylla Griff. [unknown]
  • Bouea myrsinoides Blume [unknown]
  • Cambessedea oppositifolia (Roxb.) Wight & Arn. ex Voigt [unknown]
  • Haplospondias brandisiana (Kurz) Kosterm. [unknown]
  • Spondias haplophylla Airy Shaw & Forman [unknown]
  • Bouea oppositifolia microphylla (Griff.) Merr. [unknown]


Bouea oppositifolia (also called 'Opposite-leaved Bouea', among many other common names) is a perennial herbaceous plant native to the Mediterranean region. It typically grows in dry, rocky habitats and has small, white flowers.

Uses & Benefits

Bouea oppositifolia is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and parks. It is also used to make herbal tea which is believed to have medicinal properties.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

Flower: Bouea oppositifolia has small, white flowers with yellowish-green centers. Seed: The seeds of Bouea oppositifolia are small and black. Seedlings: Bouea oppositifolia seedlings have small, oval-shaped leaves.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Bouea oppositifolia is a perennial shrub native to tropical and subtropical regions. It can be propagated by seed or cuttings. Seeds should be sown in a well-drained soil mix and kept moist. Cuttings can be taken from the stem tips and planted in a moist soil mix. Both methods should be kept in a warm, sunny location.

Where to Find Bouea oppositifolia

Bouea oppositifolia is native to Southeast Asia and is found in tropical and subtropical climates. It is commonly found in India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Bouea oppositifolia FAQ

What is the scientific name of Bouea oppositifolia?

Bouea oppositifolia

What is the common name of Bouea oppositifolia?

Opposite-leaved Bouea

What is the natural habitat of Bouea oppositifolia?

Tropical rainforest

Species in the Bouea genus

Species in the Anacardiaceae family

Abrahamia buxifolia, Abrahamia thouvenotii, Abrahamia littoralis, Abrahamia latifolia, Abrahamia minutifolia, Abrahamia ditimena, Abrahamia betamponensis, Abrahamia capuronii, Abrahamia delphinensis, Abrahamia ellipticarpa, Abrahamia elongata, Abrahamia itromoensis, Abrahamia turkii, Abrahamia deflexa, Abrahamia grandidieri, Abrahamia humbertii, Abrahamia ibityensis, Abrahamia lecomtei, Abrahamia lenticellata, Abrahamia lokobensis, Abrahamia longipetiolata, Abrahamia louvelii, Abrahamia nitida, Abrahamia oblongifolia, Abrahamia pauciflora, Abrahamia phillipsonii, Abrahamia sambiranensis, Abrahamia sericea, Abrahamia suarezensis, Abrahamia viguieri, Abrahamia revoluta, Abrahamia antongilensis, Abrahamia darainensis, Abrahamia patrickii, Actinocheita filicina, Allospondias lakonensis, Allospondias laxiflora, Amphipterygium simplicifolium, Amphipterygium adstringens, Amphipterygium amplifolium, Amphipterygium glaucum, Amphipterygium molle, Anacardium amapaense, Anacardium amilcarianum, Anacardium brasiliense, Anacardium caracolii, Anacardium corymbosum, Anacardium curatellifolium, Anacardium excelsum, Anacardium fruticosum,


The Plant List v1.1 record kew-2680743: Based on the initial data import
William Roxburgh (1751-1815): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Roxb.' in the authors string.
Albert George Ludwig Adelbert (1914-1972): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Adelb.' in the authors string.