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Zakres cen detalicznych w Sol dla alkohol etylowy, etanol, spirytus wynosi od PEN 2.42 do PEN 2.60 za kilogram lub od PEN 1.10 do PEN 1.18 za funt (lb) w Lima i Arequipa.
W 2024, szacunkowy zakres cen hurtowych dla Peru alkohol etylowy, etanol, spirytus wynosi od US$ 0.46 do US$ 0.49 za kilogram lub od US$ 0.21 do US$ 0.22 za funt (lb).
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Peru alkohol etylowy, etanol, spirytus - Production, Exports, Imports, Seasons and HS Codes
The quantity of ethyl alcohol shipped by Peru in 2020 was 121,704 tonnes. In 2019 Peru shipped 144,508 tonnes of ethyl alcohol. Through 2019 alone, the interest in Peru ethyl alcohol (processed category) has surged, flactuating by 28.186 percent compared to the year 2018. Between 2017 and 2019, ethyl alcohol's exports increased by 94.11% earning the nation US$105.99m for the year 2019. Peru's ethyl alcohol exports are categorised as:
Ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength of < 80% vol, not denatured; spirits and other spirituous beverages (excluding compound alcoholic preparations of a kind used for the manufacture of beverages, spirits obtained by distilling grape wine or grape marc, whiskies, rum and other spirits obtained by distilling fermented sugar-cane products, gin, geneva, vodka, liqueurs and cordials) (HS code 220890)
Undenatured ethyl alcohol, of actual alcoholic strength of >= 80% (HS code 220710)
Denatured ethyl alcohol and other spirits of any strength (HS code 220720)
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Peru alkohol etylowy, etanol, spirytus export values
In 2019, Peru supplied ethyl alcohol valued at 105.99m USD, an increase of 38.41% from 2018's total ethyl alcohol export of 76.576m USD. The yearly growth in value of Peru ethyl alcohol between 2017 to 2018 was 52.26 per cent.
The annual/yearly change in the volume of Peru's ethyl alcohol exports between 2017 and 2019 was 94.11 per cent compared to a variation of 28.186% in the period between 2018 and 2019.
Export markets for Peru alkohol etylowy, etanol, spirytus ( in '000$ )
Peru procured 163,953 tonnes of ethyl alcohol in 2019.