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Zakres cen detalicznych w Argentine Peso dla Żywe konie wynosi od ARS 4,866.63 do ARS 6,756.71 za kilogram lub od ARS 2,207.09 do ARS 3,064.27 za funt (lb) w Buenos Aires i Córdoba.
W 2024, szacunkowy zakres cen hurtowych dla Argentyna Żywe konie wynosi od US$ 14.61 do US$ 20.29 za kilogram lub od US$ 6.63 do US$ 9.20 za funt (lb).
Narzędzie wyszukiwania cen
Wyszukaj ceny Argentyna Żywe konie i innych produktów w różnych krajach.
The quantity of live horses sold by Argentina in 2020 was 903 metric tons. In 2019 Argentina sold 1,301 tonnes of live horses. For 2019 alone, the demand for Argentina live horses (livestock category) has gone up, flactuating by 10.348 pc compared to the year 2018. Between 2017 and 2019, live horses' exports increased by 28.05% bringing the exporter US$28.21m for the year 2019. Argentina's live horses exports are classified as:
Live asses, mules and hinnies (HS code 010120)
Pure-bred breeding horses and asses (HS code 010110)
Live horses (excluding pure-bred for breeding) (HS code 010129)
Live horses (excluding pure-bred for breeding) (HS code 010119)
Pure-bred breeding horses (HS code 010111)
Pure-bred breeding horses (HS code 010121)
Are you a producer of Żywe konie or other products?
In 2019, Argentina shipped live horses with a value of 28.21m USD, a reduction of -20.52% from 2018's total live horses export of 35.493m USD. The yearly change in value of Argentina live horses between 2017 to 2018 was 18.948 percent.
The yearly change in the volume of Argentina's live horses exports between 2017 and 2019 was 28.05 per cent compared to a variation of 10.348% in the period between 2018 and 2019.
Export markets for Argentyna Żywe konie ( in '000$ )
Argentina's leading destinations for live horses are US, United Kingdom (UK), Chile, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the Netherlands.
Argentina purchased 154 tonnes of live horses in 2019.