Wat is de prijs van zalm per kilogram/pond in Nederland vandaag?
De detailhandelsprijs voor Nederland zalm ligt tussen US$ 19.86 en US$ 28.60 per kilogram of tussen US$ 9.01 en US$ 12.97 per pond (lb). Klik hier om de exacte prijzen van zalm vandaag in Nederland te bekijken
De detailhandelsprijs in Euro voor zalm ligt tussen EUR 18.35 en EUR 26.42 per kilogram of tussen EUR 8.32 en EUR 11.98 per pond (lb) in Amsterdam en Rotterdam.
In 2025 ligt de geschatte groothandelsprijs voor Nederland zalm tussen US$ 13.91 en US$ 20.02 per kilogram of tussen US$ 6.31 en US$ 9.08 per pond (lb).
Zoek naar prijzen van Nederland zalm en andere producten in verschillende landen.
Prijzen van andere producten in de Vis categorie in Nederland: Levende Siervis, levende forel, Levende palingen, Levende karper, Levende tonijn, Levende Vis, Forel, heilbot, Zeeduivelvis & tarbot.
Bekijk prijzen van zalm in andere landen over Europa: Aruba zalm, Nederlandse Antillen zalm, Suriname zalm, België zalm, Nederland zalm, Curaçao zalm, Sint Maarten (Nederlandse deel) zalm & Curaçao zalm.
Fresh, Frozen, Wild, Farmed and Smoked Salmon in the Netherlands
Though the Netherlands does not make the top 5 exporters of fresh salmon, it is a top 5 importer, at $1.1 billion (2021 figures). It is however a net exporter of smoked salmon fillets. In 2021, total exports clocked $171 million, to rank 4th globally. Imports of smoked salmon reached $159 million, also ranking fourth globally.
Two popular salmon species in the Netherlands
Farmed salmon and wild salmon are the two most popular types available in Holland. These fall under the two species below:
1. Atlantic Salmon
Current price: EUR 19.49 ($20.84) per kg
Though this species is available from the high seas, the Dutch prefer farmed Atlantic salmon from Norway and Scotland. Sources at Good Fish cite that all fillets you will find in a supermarket in Amsterdam or elsewhere will always be farmed.
Atlantic salmon is usually moderately priced because it always enjoys a balanced demand and supply cycle.
2. Pacific Salmon
Current market price: EUR 23.85 ($25.51)
Wild salmon are more or less imported from far. Thus, if you are after Pacific salmon while in the Netherlands, it will be most probably a Canadian or American import.
Talking of Pacific salmon, the largest species, known as Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) comes from Alaska. It is a prize possession for many and like its size, it will leave a sizable hole in your pocket of at least EUR 10.84 per pound. However, its buttery smooth texture will more than compensate the financial plight!
Cheapest and most expensive salmon packages:
Smoked and frozen whole salmon as well as fillets (zalm filet) are the most popular salmon packages in Holland. Salmon costs more per piece at an average EUR 4.50 per 100g (in end 2023). The most expensive reaches EUR 110 ($117.59) per kilo.
Fresh salmon fillets cost from at least EUR 9.50 per 250g, while the frozen equivalents cost at least EUR 3 less.