Wat is de prijs van olyfolie per kilogram/pond in Nederland vandaag?
De detailhandelsprijs voor Nederland olyfolie ligt tussen US$ 15.01 en US$ 40.38 per kilogram of tussen US$ 6.81 en US$ 18.31 per pond (lb). Klik hier om de exacte prijzen van olyfolie vandaag in Nederland te bekijken
De detailhandelsprijs in Euro voor olyfolie ligt tussen EUR 13.86 en EUR 37.31 per kilogram of tussen EUR 6.29 en EUR 16.92 per pond (lb) in Amsterdam en Rotterdam.
In 2025 ligt de geschatte groothandelsprijs voor Nederland olyfolie tussen US$ 10.50 en US$ 28.27 per kilogram of tussen US$ 4.76 en US$ 12.82 per pond (lb).
Zoek naar prijzen van Nederland olyfolie en andere producten in verschillende landen.
Prijzen van andere producten in de Verwerkt categorie in Nederland: Melk en Room, yoghurt, Kefir en Karnemelk, Whey, Boter, Kaas, Natuurlijke honing, Koffie, groene thee & zwarte thee.
Bekijk prijzen van olyfolie in andere landen over Europa: Aruba olyfolie, Nederlandse Antillen olyfolie, Suriname olyfolie, België olyfolie, Nederland olyfolie, Curaçao olyfolie, Sint Maarten (Nederlandse deel) olyfolie & Curaçao olyfolie.
Where does Dutch olive Oil come from?
Dutch EVO oil or Extra-virgin olive oil is the product of pressing the fruits of olive trees of the Mediterranean countries such as Greece, Spain and Italy. So special is olive-picking that producers lay out nets under the trees to harvest the precious berries into specialty boxes. Producers then ferry the fruits to factories for mechanical pressing to produce aseptic virgin oil.
The main import sources for the Netherlands are Spain, Italy, Greece, Germany and Portugal in descending order.
Where does Holland stand globally in olive oil trade?
The Netherlands is more of an importer than exporter of olive oil. According to OEC, the country ranked 15th in world exports of virgin olive oil in 2021 worth $12.7 million. Imports were over 6 times that figure, at $76 million. Total olive oil imports, including extra-virgin, totalled EUR 100 million in 2021. This was due to a 25% rise in the local consumption rate of this oil.
Buying Dutch Olive Oil in Bulk Saves You Money
A 5-litre bottle of extra-virgin oil costs at least 41% less than a standalone 1 litre bottle. This is per a survey of online retailers who sell a 5-litre can for EUR71 and a 0.75 L bottle for EUR 15.65.
Who Sells Virgin Oil in the Netherlands?
According to the EU’s Centre for the Promotion of Imports (CBI), the Netherlands is among the best developing European markets for virgin oil supplies. About 60% of this oil comes from private traders. These range from Albert Heijn to Aldi, Lidl and Jumbo.
Types of olive oil
There are three main types of olive oil in the Netherlands
1. EVO (15091020 combined nomenclature no.)
Current price: From EUR 19.76 ($21.12) to EUR 68.16 ($72.85)
Extra-virgin olive oil or EVO is the purest form as it is merely the product of mechanical pressing. It is usually grade 1 because it has a free acidity degree lower than 0.8% . These qualities make it the most expensive.
2. Virgin olive oil (15091080)
Current price: EUR 19.51 ($20.86)
A product of pressing through physical means, this oil is also high quality. It differs from EVO by having free acidity of between 2 and 3.3%. Popular oils in this category include Extra-virgin oil L’Italiano.
3. Olive oil (refined or not refined)
Current price: From EUR 11.78 ($12.59) to 14.3 (EUR 15.18)
Olive oil that contains high lampante content is unrefined and thus inedible but when its lampante is refined it is edible. When it is unrefined, its free acidity level is over 3.3% but when refined it has lower levels.
The other three extra categories available in Holland are Virgin lampante olive oil (15091010), Refined and ready-to-use olive pomace oil (15100090) and Crude olive pomace oil (15100010).