Wat is de prijs van eieren per kilogram/pond in Nederland vandaag?
De detailhandelsprijs voor Nederland eieren ligt tussen US$ 6.67 en US$ 12.20 per kilogram of tussen US$ 3.03 en US$ 5.53 per pond (lb). Klik hier om de exacte prijzen van eieren vandaag in Nederland te bekijken
De detailhandelsprijs in Euro voor eieren ligt tussen EUR 6.16 en EUR 11.27 per kilogram of tussen EUR 2.79 en EUR 5.11 per pond (lb) in Amsterdam en Rotterdam.
In 2025 ligt de geschatte groothandelsprijs voor Nederland eieren tussen US$ 4.67 en US$ 8.54 per kilogram of tussen US$ 2.12 en US$ 3.87 per pond (lb).
Zoek naar prijzen van Nederland eieren en andere producten in verschillende landen.
Prijzen van andere producten in de Agro-producten categorie in Nederland: judasoor, jelly schimmels Tremella, Koffiedoppen & -schillen, coca-blad, Papaverstro, efedra, zeewier, suikerbiet, suikerriet & Natuurlijk lak.
Bekijk prijzen van eieren in andere landen over Europa: Aruba eieren, Nederlandse Antillen eieren, Suriname eieren, België eieren, Nederland eieren, Curaçao eieren, Sint Maarten (Nederlandse deel) eieren & Curaçao eieren.
The Netherlands Leads in Egg Exports
The Dutch consume about 192 eggs a year per individual, while the country exports the most eggs in the world worth $911 million (2021 figures). In 2022, net exports had reached EUR1.5 billion. Though the country is by far a net exporter, it also imports millions of eggs from places such as Germany and Ukraine.
While there are many sources of eggs in the Netherlands, the main source is domesticated fowls or hens.
Egg prices in Netherlands increase in Q1 2023
According to Statistics Netherlands, eggs prices shot up by 26.3% in February 2023 in comparison with February 2021 data. This is due to short supply versus high demand amid the onset of avian flu.
Measurement and packing of eggs in Netherlands
While retail sales sidestep kilo measurements in favour of 12-tray measurements in the European Union, export sales go by the kilo. Scientific measurements show that it requires 20 to 21 eggs to make a kg. This is where each egg averages 50g to 70g.
Prices for eggs go by the crate of 12 eggs (regular). The cost in 2023 for a 12-egg pack averaged EUR 3.69.
Types of eggs on sale in Holland
There are various types of egg classifications in Holland, depending on such metrics as colour, source and order size. Popular commercial types include:
1. Hen’s eggs
Current price of hen eggs in Netherlands: EUR 3.69 to 5.05 per 12 pieces or EUR 6.45 to 8.83 ($6.89-9.43) per kilo
The most popular eggs in the country and cities are domesticated fowls’ eggs. The largest sizes measure 62 by 43 mm according to Brinsea.
2. Quail’s eggs
Current price of quail eggs in Netherlands: EUR 4.65 per 12 pieces or EUR8.14 ($8.69) per kg
Quail eggs come from domesticated quails which per Dutch laws, are free to roam. They are smaller than a pheasant’s, a bantam’s or a hen’s as they measure 35 by 27 mm in size.
3. Free-range eggs
Current price: $7.20 per 12 pieces/ $12.6 per kilo.
Free-range eggs can either refer to eggs from domesticated birds that stay outdoors or a huge package for industrial sales. When applying to eggs from hens that stay outdoors, these eggs are sold in pasteurized/aseptic conditions. They may cost more than those of indoor birds for this reason.