Wat is de prijs van de tonijn per kilogram/pond in Nederland vandaag?
De detailhandelsprijs voor Nederland de tonijn ligt tussen US$ 13.35 en US$ 28.61 per kilogram of tussen US$ 6.06 en US$ 12.98 per pond (lb). Klik hier om de exacte prijzen van de tonijn vandaag in Nederland te bekijken
De detailhandelsprijs in Euro voor de tonijn ligt tussen EUR 12.34 en EUR 26.43 per kilogram of tussen EUR 5.59 en EUR 11.99 per pond (lb) in Amsterdam en Rotterdam.
In 2025 ligt de geschatte groothandelsprijs voor Nederland de tonijn tussen US$ 9.35 en US$ 20.03 per kilogram of tussen US$ 4.24 en US$ 9.08 per pond (lb).
Zoek naar prijzen van Nederland de tonijn en andere producten in verschillende landen.
Prijzen van andere producten in de Vis categorie in Nederland: Levende Siervis, levende forel, Levende palingen, Levende karper, Levende tonijn, Levende Vis, Forel, Zalm, heilbot & Zeeduivelvis.
Bekijk prijzen van de tonijn in andere landen over Europa: Aruba de tonijn, Nederlandse Antillen de tonijn, Suriname de tonijn, België de tonijn, Nederland de tonijn, Curaçao de tonijn, Sint Maarten (Nederlandse deel) de tonijn & Curaçao de tonijn.
Buying Tuna in the Netherlands
All around the world, tuna measures up to any fish in popularity and appeal. Not only is it versatile, sumptuous and delicate but it stores well in cans when it is not dressing a sushi dish.
What to go for:
Tuna by type
There are many types of tuna that come from the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. The largest and priciest is Bluefin tuna.
Notable for their blue tinge, this boned species, especially the Atlantic breed, can weigh as many as 1500 pounds.
Bluefin tuna price in the Netherlands reflects the largesse of the fish as it is the most expensive type of tuna here. There is also Bigeye tuna, which is smaller than bluefins but larger than yellowfins.
You can also opt for the popular Yellowfin tuna with its long streamlined body espousing vivid yellow colors on the fins. It is no small fish either for it averages 450 pounds in weight. According to Good Fish , yellowfins are some of the most common tuna served in Dutch seafood eateries.
Tuna packaging
Tuna is typically sold in cans or pouches. Canned tuna is more convenient, but it can also be more expensive. Pouched tuna is typically less expensive, but it can be more difficult to find.The choice species for canning is mostly skipjack tuna because of its small size and good preservation qualities.
Sustainable tuna
When choosing tuna, it is important to consider the sustainability of the fishery. The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certifies fisheries that meet certain sustainability standards. Look for the MSC blue label on tuna products to ensure that you are buying tuna from a sustainable fishery.
Avoid tuna that is canned in oil or brine, as this can add unhealthy fats and sodium.
How to store tuna
Canned tuna can be stored in a cool, dark place for up to 3 years. Pouched tuna can be stored in a cool, dark place for up to 1 year. Once tuna is opened, it should be refrigerated and consumed within 3 days.