Bountiful Thai durian harvest brings 40% price cuts across mainland Asia

Bountiful Thai durian harvest brings 40% price cuts across mainland Asia

The May peak of eastern Thailand’s durian harvest has created a glut in mainland Asia and occasioned a 40% slump in prices.

Leading in affordability is China’s import market which receives its supplies during three south-east Asia countries’ concurrent durian seasons. For instance, Monthong durian cost 40-48 Yuan ($5.52-6.62) in late May, below the 64 Yuan ($8.83) per kg of April 2024.

A similar situation is playing out in Vietnam, which has been importing plenty of Thai durian of late. The country is witnessing a 20-30% production drop in its orchards on the Mekong Delta due to drought. 

Luckily for the Vietnamese, mini durian from Thailand has shed prices by 40% to between VND 60,000 ($2.36) and 130,000 ($5.11) a kg.

Falling logistical costs are also helping, with Thailand-Vietnam road shipping cheaper by 20 to 30% in May than in April.

ASEAN Durian Boon in China

Also impacting the price situation through oversupply is China, which is honoring import pacts with three members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). 

One of these is Thailand, which shipped 929,000 tonnes of durian to China in 2023. China imported some 1.426 million tonnes of the fruit in 2023 from southeast Asia.

Though Thailand’s central region led national production in 2023, Chanthaburi in the eastern region has since gained gradual production recognition. Chanthaburi has a capacity for 500,000 tonnes per season, hence its attractive prospects in China.

In its part, Vietnam is increasing supplies via the bordering Youyiguan Port in China even as northern farmers are upping production.

This is even as the Philippines is at negotiations to get a high stake in China’s durian market.

Tropical Fruits’ Prices Tumble 

Also riding the affordability wave is Thai mangosteen, whose price in Vietnam has fallen to VND55,000 ($2.16) a kg.

Rambutan from Thailand has also experienced a 30% price tumble in Vietnam to at least VND 45,000 ($1.77) a kg.

Thus, as Thailand and ASEAN countries continue concurrent durian harvests, customers in China and Vietnam are celebrating historically low prices. This affordability could also be related to other statistics such as the ones below.

Thailand Durian Statistics

Thailand is the biggest durian-producing nation, with an output of 795,084 tonnes in 2019. Central Thailand produced the most durian in 2023 at 769,740 tonnes. The emerging eastern Thailand’s Chanthaburi district has a production capacity for 500,000 tonnes. In terms of acreage, Thai durian orchards have grown exponentially from just 96,000 hectares in 2012 to 152,000 hectares in 2019. 

Regarding exports, China is the main market for Thai durian and accounts for 90% of Thailand’s durian exports.  In turn, China derives at least  40% of its total durian imports from Thailand.