Co-Founder of Destination Produce recounts how “every business transaction starts with a relationship”

Co-Founder of Destination Produce recounts how “every business transaction starts with a relationship”

Destination Produce may be a young UK company with the incorporation date of November 2023, but it is already changing distribution chain rapport. Its main focus is the basic relationship between the producer and the consumer. As such, the company plays a complementary role that helps consumers and traders “connect/trade.” 

To discover more of this spot-on approach, Selina Wamucii contacted Paul Tomlinson, Co-Founder, Destination Produce Ltd.

To Paul, Destination Produce bridges producers with consumers through honesty. 

“We look to provide our suppliers and customers with a platform from which they can connect/trade. We believe that every business transaction starts with a relationship. It is imperative to us that we work on that first, if the relationship is strong then the trade will follow. Honesty, Integrity and Transparency are required in equal measures to establish synergy and trust. Remember we only want to do sustainable deals where every part of the chain benefits.”

And it seems that these sustainable deals extend to your re-export business to Asia?

“Correct, we work directly and indirectly with Asia,” says Paul.

At a time when Red Sea shipping is driving shipping costs in Asia, Destination Produce is doing a turn for its clientele. But there is a caveat:

“Unfortunately, we cannot push all rising costs back on to the exporter; without the exporter we have empty boxes. The price is the price, ultimately, we are here to defend that position. Unlike the energy sector we will NOT be posting record margins and profits. The price is the price and we pass that on with notice and with good reason. If the shipping costs are reduced, then so will the price of the product.”

What can we expect from Destination Produce in the future?

“We are all custodians of this industry and so for me, I want to play a part in creating a sustainable future for all parts of the supply chain. Let’s work together and be a part of maintaining what we have and help to build more of what we need.”

Paul Tomlinson ends on that sustainability promise.