Salmonella Infested Ground Cumin Recalled in 16 States Across the United States

The use of product batch identification details have often played an important role in alleviating infections occasioned by contaminated consumer products. These labels came to play recently in Florida when FDA posted a recall notice for Lipari-branded ground cumin. This move, reminiscent of a recent recall of ground cinnamon in Spain, has so far led to recall notices in 15 more states across the United States. The crux of the matter is that this particular batch of the spice may be infested with salmonella.

Consumers are advised to eschew any of the specific packets weighing six ounces with a lot number of 220914601 bearing an expiry date of September, 2024.  Postal codes from FL, TX, NC, MO, KY, AL, AR, GA, IL, IN, MI, OH, OK, PA, and VA to WI have all raised the alarm to their residents on the need not to purchase the products. Though it is not clear whether all the cumin is contaminated, the FDA revealed that the sample tested at least confirmed the presence of salmonella in the given lot number distributed by Lipari. It is not known whether more States will enter the ranks of those recalling the product.

Lipari Foods company posted a statement classified as ‘voluntary recall’ for the aforementioned lot of its branded ground cumin in tubs made by International Food, citing the presence of salmonella.  Lipari appears on the label as the distributor of the generic product. 

Consumers who have already purchased the ground cumin are advised to stow it away or to give it back to their purchasing point.

Here are more specific frontal label details for those consumers out there not sure if they have the affected product:

  • Branded as Lipari Foods
  • Weighs 6 ounces per Tub
  • Lot Number: 220914601
  • Best Before: 9/24
  • UPC: 094776212620

So far, no person has succumbed to illness in any of the states reporting the recall. This is thanks to the timely alert of the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, which tested a specimen of the product and found it contaminated with Salmonella. The Miami-based body arranged the results to the FDA and Michigan State’s agricultural body, leading to the hasty recall of the ground cumin.  

What is Salmonella?

Salmonella is an animal gut-infesting bacteria that causes Salmonellosis, an infection in humans who have consumed food that might have come into contact with animal waste. A healthy person infected with the microorganism will rarely suffer more than a mild fever and nausea, but in some cases, there may be abdominal pain and blood-stained diarrhea outbreak. For little ones and the elderly, however, there is need for more restraint on the consumption of contaminated food as it may cause blood vessels’ diseases, arthritis and fatal consequences due to the low immunity in these diametric age groups. 

The United States accounts for 40,000 infections of Salmonella on an annual basis. Chiefly because the infection is rarely fatal, many cases go unreported and statistics pose the question if the actual number of infections may not be thirty times the above figure. 

Where to find and buy cumin in the United States

Cumin seeds and ground cumin are available all over the United States at grocery stores. Some of the specific recommended places to buy discounted values of high quality cumin include Trader Joe and Amazon outlets for those who want to make orders online. There are also food points in every city in the US that stocks Asian, American and other cumin varieties from around the globe.  

Related: Production and Availability of Cumin in US  

Vital cumin facts

While you are here, you might want to know a few important facts about cumin and why it’s a darling of millions of households around the world. 

Cumin can help treat bloating in irritable bowel syndrome

Cumin is one of the healthiest of all produce in the herbs and spices category. It has antioxidants that are found in the seeds, namely apigenin and luteolin. These reduce the effects of toxins in the body from degrading human cells including those in the gut.  Some of the IBS symptoms that can be alleviated by cumin extracts include cramps, spasms during food digestion and bloating. 

For countless centuries, traditional herbalists have indeed used cumin as a remedy for diarrhea. Modern researchers have used rats as specimens and concluded that cumin alleviates diarrhea in real time. 

Also Read: Black Cumin Seeds

Cumin can help with weight loss

Health researchers have noted that daily consumption of cumin can help with weight loss. In a public health study in the United States, published by the US National Library of Medicine, eighty-eight obese female cases received doses of ground cumin for 90 days. At the end of the review, there were visible improvements in their bodies, which led to the conclusion that cumin helps people lose weight in the following ways: 

  • It lowers serum degree in bad cholesterol and at the same time hikes the HDL cholesterol levels.
  • It brings back the right Body Mass Index and waist girth dimensions of a healthy person. 

Indeed, the Lipari branded product has, as news sources reveal, reached only 16 states. This  means that as long as you keep an eye on the lot tub 220914601 that bears an expiry date of September, 2024 you will be in the clear. So, go on and enjoy your cumin!