Maple Leaf Green World to bring farmers of Coronation, Canada “green pollution-free power”

A solar farm

Coronation town in east-Central Alberta is installing a 12-megawatt (MW) DC solar farm, courtesy of Maple Leaf Green World Inc. According to the company’s press release, Maple Leaf Green World has leased multiple acres of underutilized land in Coronation for the solar farm. While the town will earn tax and lease revenue from the installation, farmers will access affordable green power supply year-round. 

To learn more about this renewable energy project, Selina Wamucii spoke to Raymond Lai, President & CEO, Maple Leaf Green World Inc.

Mr. Lai first defined the project’s impact on Coronation, whose history revolves around farming.

“Yes, our project will provide green pollution free power to the local farmers. Even though our project is not very big, but for a small town, our project will be able supply most of their yearly power consumption.”

Given that the solar farm will occupy some 50 to 60 hectares of underutilized land, will it have economical impact? 

“Yes.” Mr. Lai enthuses. “Our project will provide leasing revenue and income tax on the underutilized land to the town of Coronation for 40 years.”

A Farming Profile of Coronation

The 40-year lease will positively impact Coronation as it has a long-term farming history. Situated in central Alberta, Coronation acquired its name in 1911 because its village incorporation coincided with George V’s coronation as king. Even after it became a township in 1912, it remained a mostly farming community.  Its popular historical monuments all have a farming touch including grain elevators, water tower and railway wagons (caboose). 

According to the government of Alberta in its July 2022 statistics, the central region of Alberta that includes Coronation leads in grain and legume yields. The region had the highest yield rate for barley, spring wheat, canola and dry peas in summer 2022. Its barley yield, for instance, was at 59.1 bushels per acre above the nearest northeast Alberta region of 51.1 bushels. 

More so, Coronation is a ranching area, hence its need for renewable energy projects to support feed manufacture.

Note on Maple Leaf Green World Inc.

According to its website, Maple Leaf Green World Inc. focuses in “high-yield green energy projects.” Its main interests include renewable energy and solar farm projects. 
