U.S. crawfish shortage drives app downloads to track prices


A searing hot summer in 2023 and a freezing winter have driven U.S. crawfish shortage, with a reciprocal price gain. Consequently, price-tracking apps are back in high demand.

This at a time when the lobster season, which runs from March through July each year, is just about to start.

Even before the season’s start, a price-tracking app known as Crawfish App saw downloads reach 660,000 by end 2023.

According to the app, 60% of users inquire about  live crawfish cost and the rest for prices of the boiled alternative.

App users say they have been paying $10.99 to 11.99 a pound for cooked crawfish at restaurants.

Crawfish Shortage Hits Production Center, Louisiana

The pricey turn boils down to the climatic toll on the main habitat of crawfish in the Gulf Stream of Louisiana.

According to National Geographic, drought effects and a hard freeze have caused shortage and a price spike of 500%.

Louisiana’s restaurants bank on various crawfish species from tiny mudbugs to spiny lobster for their dinner fare. Here however, wholesale prices have gained irredeemably. While wholesale mudbugs cost just $3 a pound in 2023, now the price is between $10 and $20. 

This is despite the fact that some crawfish species begin their harvest from November through July each season.

Crawfish or spiny lobster is distinct for its spiny shell that lacks the large claws of true lobsters. It is popular with seafood lovers because of its firm texture and delicate taste.

Louisiana harvests 170 million pounds of crawfish annually, equal to 90% of the U.S.’ total. This is why state cities like New Orleans teem with seafood-dependant Cajun dishes.

Because crawfish survive best in muddy seas with a balanced salinity, a neutral climate is essential for their survival. In 2023, for instance, a combination of heat waves and extreme cold affected their reproduction. The bulk of eggs did not hatch during the freeze in the 2023-24 winter and the result is current low supplies.

Hence, apps that track their prices will continue to generate interest as seafood lovers search the cheapest seafood markets.