Argentina: Inter-institutional technical roundtables to support Family Farming in Salta and Jujuy

News summary: In promoting spaces for work in the territories of Salta and Jujuy, the Argentinian national institution, Senasa, provided information on regulatory aspects to personnel from public institutions.

SaltaAs a part of its actions to support and strengthen family farming in rural Argentina, the National Agrifood Health and Quality Service (Senasa) participated in a meeting with personnel from other public institutions in the town of Hornillos, in the province of Jujuy.

The meeting was held at the facilities of  IPAF NOA of the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA), and during the course of the event, the staff of that institution and representatives of the National Institute of Industrial Technology (INTI) of Jujuy and the National Institute of Family, Peasant and Indigenous Agriculture (INAFCI) of Salta were informed about the importance of the National Agricultural Producer Health Registry (Renspa). They also learned of the requirements for issuing electronic transit documents (DT-.e,  for the movement of animals, and DTV-e, for the movement of plant products), respectively, and the requirements for the authorization of packing houses in the region.

Within this framework, 44 agents of the participating institutions committed themselves to form technical tables, together with personnel from all the above-mentioned agencies, for the territorial work divided in the Highland, Quebrada and Puna Valleys of the provinces of Salta and Jujuy.

During the meeting, representatives from the areas of Plant Protection, Animal Health, Food Safety and Quality and Family Agriculture of Senasa’s Noa Norte Regional Center made presentations.

Finally, the participants agreed on the importance of establishing circuits to continue guaranteeing the quality and safety of the region’s food.
