More than 40 percent of winter crops in Russia’s Ryazan region must be reseeded because of the ice crust

The Ryazan region recently introduced a state of emergency due to the significant death of winter crops. As of April 27, 2023 more than half of the affected (dead or thinned) winter crops  had already been reseeded.

By the order of the Governor of the Ryazan region, from April 27, 2023, order № 204-rg, in the territory of the highlighted region, an emergency situation mode was introduced in connection with the dangerous agrometeorological phenomenon “ice crust”, which caused significant material losses to organizations in the agricultural sector of the Ryazan region.

The emergency mode was introduced from April 27, 2023 until further notice for the management bodies and forces of the territorial subsystem. The subsystem is under the Ryazan region’s unified state system for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations. A regional level of response has been established. The boundaries of the emergency zone are defined within the boundaries of 25 municipal districts, that is, the entire region, except for the cities of Ryazan, Kasimov, Sasov and Skopin.

The decision to introduce an emergency regime was taken on the recommendation of the Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations and Fire Safety of the Ryazan region.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Ryazan region conducts daily monitoring of the development of the situation in the agroindustrial complex related to the death of winter crops. Commissions examine the affected fields and prepare documents confirming the damage of farmers in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia from 26.03.2015 № 113, “on approval of the procedure for assessing damage to agricultural producers from emergencies of a natural nature.’

Losses of winter crops, i.e. crops  which died or came out of winter in poor condition and are subject to resowing, exceed 40% in the Ryazan region, while the normal (average for many years) is considered natural mortality at the level of 7-10% of winter crops.

Sarayevsky, Ukholovsky, Shatsky, Sapozhkovsky and Putyatinsky districts are the most affected by ice crust, where winter crops losses amount to 64-90%.

The preliminary estimate of the damage from the losses of winter crops is more than 1 billion rubles ($126.63 million). The agrarians’ (farmers) situation is aggravated by low grain prices in Russia this season, but the government helps: in the November-December period Ryazan farmers received 820 million rubles in subsidies for grains and oilseeds which allowed them to be better prepared for the spring campaign. In addition, since the beginning of 2023 the locals received subsidies amounting to 1.07 billion rubles. In addition, all the applications of the Ryazan agrarians for concessional loans of up to 5% per annum were approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia- it amounts to 4.9 billion rubles.

The farmers are provided with all the necessary resources for the spring field work: fertilizers, machinery, fuel and seeds. As of April 27, more than half of the affected (dead or thinned) crops of winter crops had already been reseeded.
