What is the price of live carp per kilogram/pound in Vietnam today?
The retail price range for Vietnam live carp is between US$ 3.14 and US$ 8.32 per kilogram or between US$ 1.42 and US$ 3.77 per pound(lb). Click here to see today's exact prices of live carp in Vietnam
The retail price range in Dong for live carp is between VND 78,408.00 and VND 207,900.00 per kilogram or between VND 35,559.18 and VND 94,285.71 per pound(lb) in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.
Wholesale prices
In 2024, the approximate wholesale price range for Vietnam live carp is between US$ 2.20 and US$ 5.82 per kilogram or between US$ 1.00 and US$ 2.64 per pound(lb).
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Vietnam Live Carp Export Prices - Historical, Trends and Prediction
The export price of Live Carp from Vietnam over the last five years has been quite varied. In 2015, the price per kilogram was 2.42 US dollars. This decreased to 2.07 US dollars in 2016, before increasing to 2.32 US dollars in 2017. 2018 saw a significant jump to 2.75 US dollars, before dropping back to 2.29 US dollars in 2019. The most recent year, 2020, saw the price drop to 2.00 US dollars. Based on this data, it is likely that the export price of Live Carp from Vietnam will remain around the 2.00 US dollar mark in the next few years, with a slight increase to 2.05 US dollars in 2023 and 2.10 US dollars in 2024.Vietnam Live Carp Import Prices - Historical, Trends and Prediction
The import price per kilogram of Live Carp into Vietnam over the last five years has been quite stable. In 2015, the price was 2.42 US dollars per kg, which decreased to 2.07 US dollars per kg in 2016. The price then increased to 2.32 US dollars per kg in 2017, before rising to 2.75 US dollars per kg in 2018. In 2019, the price dropped to 2.29 US dollars per kg, and then further decreased to 2.00 US dollars per kg in 2020. Based on the data, it is likely that the import price per kilogram of Live Carp into Vietnam will remain relatively stable in the next few years. We can predict that the price will be around 2.00 US dollars per kg in 2023 and 2024.Export values for Vietnam live carp
The total values in export for live carp in Vietnam were US$ 58, US$ 274, US$ 964 and US$ 481 in US dollar thousand for the years 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 in that order.
Prices of other produce in the Fish category in Vietnam: Live Ornamental Fish, Live Trout, Live Eels, Live Tuna, Live Fish, Trout, Salmon, Halibut Fish, Sole Fish & Turbot Fish.
See prices of live carp in other countries across Asia: Kazakhstan live carp, Kyrgyzstan live carp, Tajikistan live carp, Turkmenistan live carp, Uzbekistan live carp, China live carp, Hong Kong live carp, Macao live carp, North Korea live carp & Mongolia live carp.
Vietnam live carp - Production, Exports, Imports, Seasons and HS Codes
In 2019 Vietnam exported 210 tonnes of live carp. For 2019 alone, the market for Vietnam live carp (fish category) has shrunk, changing by -40 per cent compared to the year 2018. Between 2017 and 2019, live carp's exports increased by 77.97% netting the country US$0.48m for the year 2019. Vietnam's live carp exports are categorised as:
- Live carp (Cyprinus carpio, Carassius carassius, Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus) (HS code 030193)
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Vietnam live carp export values
In 2019, Vietnam exported live carp worth 0.48m USD, a drop of -50.21% from 2018's total live carp export of 0.964m USD. The yearly change in value of Vietnam live carp between 2017 to 2018 was 251.825 percent.
The annual/yearly change in the volume of Vietnam's live carp exports between 2017 and 2019 was 77.97 pc in comparison to a variation of -40% in the period between 2018 and 2019.
Vietnam's stake of the world's total live carp's exports in 2019 was less than 1%. Vietnam holds position 31 in world exports of live carp.
Export markets for Vietnam live carp ( in '000$ )
Vietnam brought in 1,950 tonnes of live carp in 2019.