What is the price of beetroot, salsify & celeriac per kilogram/pound in Lebanon today?
The retail price range for Lebanon beetroot, salsify & celeriac is between US$ 0.43 and US$ 1.66 per kilogram or between US$ 0.20 and US$ 0.75 per pound(lb). Click here to see today's exact prices of beetroot, salsify & celeriac in Lebanon
The retail price range in Lebanese Pound for beetroot, salsify & celeriac is between LBP 6,586.36 and LBP 25,174.55 per kilogram or between LBP 2,987.01 and LBP 11,417.03 per pound(lb) in Beirut and Sidon.
Wholesale prices
In 2024, the approximate wholesale price range for Lebanon beetroot, salsify & celeriac is between US$ 0.30 and US$ 1.16 per kilogram or between US$ 0.14 and US$ 0.53 per pound(lb).
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Lebanon Beetroot, Salsify & Celeriac Export Prices - Historical, Trends and Prediction
The export prices of beetroot, salsify & celeriac from Lebanon over the last five years have been quite varied. In 2017, the export price per kilogram was the lowest at 1.78 US $, while in 2013 it was the highest at 2.78 US $. In 2020, the export price per kilogram was 2.06 US $, while in 2019 it was 2.04 US $. In 2018, the export price per kilogram was 1.77 US $, while in 2016 it was 2.87 US $. In 2015, the export price per kilogram was 3.26 US $, while in 2014 it was 2.14 US $. Overall, the export prices have been decreasing over the last five years. Based on this trend, it is predicted that the export price per kilogram for 2023 and 2024 will be 1.70 US $ and 1.62 US $ respectively.Lebanon Beetroot, Salsify & Celeriac Import Prices - Historical, Trends and Prediction
The import prices of beetroot, salsify and celeriac into Lebanon have been analyzed for the past five years. In 2016, the import price per kilogram was 2.87 US dollars, which was the highest in the five-year period. This was followed by a decrease in 2017 to 1.78 US dollars, and a further decrease in 2018 to 1.77 US dollars. In 2019, the import price per kilogram increased to 2.04 US dollars, and in 2020, it increased again to 2.06 US dollars. The most recent data from 2021 shows a decrease to 1.88 US dollars. Overall, the import prices of beetroot, salsify and celeriac into Lebanon have seen a decrease in the past five years, with the highest price being 2.87 US dollars in 2016 and the lowest price being 1.77 US dollars in 2018. Based on this trend, it is predicted that the import price per kilogram for 2023 will be around 1.75 US dollars, and for 2024, it will be around 1.72 US dollars.Looking to Buy or Sell Beetroot, Salsify & Celeriac?
Export values for Lebanon beetroot, salsify & celeriac
The total values in export for beetroot, salsify & celeriac in Lebanon were US$ 135, US$ 137, US$ 156 and US$ 106 in US dollar thousand for the years 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 in that order.
Prices of other produce in the Vegetables category in Lebanon: Tomatoes, Onions, Leeks, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cabbages, Lettuce, Chicory, Carrots & Cucumber.
See prices of beetroot, salsify & celeriac in other countries across Middle East: Bahrain beetroot, salsify & celeriac, Cyprus beetroot, salsify & celeriac, Iraq beetroot, salsify & celeriac, Israel beetroot, salsify & celeriac, Jordan beetroot, salsify & celeriac, Kuwait beetroot, salsify & celeriac, Lebanon beetroot, salsify & celeriac, Palestine beetroot, salsify & celeriac, Oman beetroot, salsify & celeriac & Qatar beetroot, salsify & celeriac.
Lebanon beetroot, salsify & celeriac - Production, Exports, Imports, Seasons and HS Codes
In 2019 Lebanon shipped 52 tonnes of beetroot, salsify & celeriac. Across 2019 alone, the interest in Lebanon beetroot, salsify & celeriac (vegetables category) has shrunk, with a change of -40.909 percent compared to the year 2018. Between 2017 and 2019, beetroot, salsify & celeriac's exports reduced by -32.47 percent netting the exporter US$0.11m for the year 2019. Lebanon's beetroot, salsify & celeriac exports are classified as:
- Fresh or chilled salad beetroot, salsify, celeriac, radishes and similar edible roots (excluding carrots and turnips) (HS code 070690)
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Lebanon beetroot, salsify & celeriac export values
In 2019, Lebanon shipped beetroot, salsify & celeriac valued at 0.11m USD, a decrease of -29.49% from 2018's total beetroot, salsify & celeriac export of 0.156m USD. The annual reduction in value of Lebanon beetroot, salsify & celeriac between 2017 to 2018 was 13.869 per cent.
The yearly variation in the quantity of Lebanon's beetroot, salsify & celeriac exports between 2017 and 2019 was -32.47 per cent when compared to a variation of -40.909% in the growth rate between 2018 and 2019.
Lebanon's share of the world's total beetroot, salsify & celeriac's exports in 2019 was less than 1%. Lebanon holds number 58 in world exports of beetroot, salsify & celeriac.
Export markets for Lebanon beetroot, salsify & celeriac ( in '000$ )
Lebanon ordered 2,083 tonnes of beetroot, salsify & celeriac in 2019.