What is the price of taro (arrowroot) per kilogram/pound in China today?
The retail price range for China taro (arrowroot) is between US$ 0.53 and US$ 2.35 per kilogram or between US$ 0.24 and US$ 1.07 per pound(lb). Click here to see today's exact prices of taro (arrowroot) in China
The retail price range in Yuan Renminbi for taro (arrowroot) is between CNY 3.70 and CNY 16.49 per kilogram or between CNY 1.68 and CNY 7.48 per pound(lb) in Beijing and Shanghai.
Wholesale prices
In 2024, the approximate wholesale price range for China taro (arrowroot) is between US$ 0.37 and US$ 1.65 per kilogram or between US$ 0.17 and US$ 0.75 per pound(lb).
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China Taro (arrowroot) Export Prices - Historical, Trends and Prediction
The export price per kilogram of Taro (Arrowroot) from China has seen a steady increase over the last five years. In 2017, the export price was 1.13 US $ per kg, and in 2021 it was 1.21 US $ per kg. This represents an increase of 7.2%. The highest export price was recorded in 2022, at 1.43 US $ per kg. Looking ahead, we can predict that the export price of Taro (Arrowroot) from China will remain steady in 2023, at around 1.21 US $ per kg, and will increase slightly in 2024, to around 1.45 US $ per kg.China Taro (arrowroot) Import Prices - Historical, Trends and Prediction
The import price of Taro (Arrowroot) into China has been relatively stable over the last five years. In 2016, the price was $1.12 per kg, followed by $1.13 in 2017, $1.10 in 2018, $1.11 in 2019, and $1.19 in 2020. The highest price was recorded in 2021, at $1.21 per kg, and the most recent price in 2022 was $1.43 per kg. Based on this data, it is likely that the import price of Taro (Arrowroot) into China will continue to increase in the coming years. We can predict that the price in 2023 will be around $1.45 per kg, and in 2024 it will be around $1.47 per kg.Export values for China taro (arrowroot)
The total values in export for taro (arrowroot) in China were US$ 2,100,832, US$ 1,992,080, US$ 2,009,888 and US$ 2,022,832 in US dollar thousand for the years 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 in that order.
Prices of other produce in the Tubers category in China: Seed Potatoes, Potatoes, Cassava, Sweet Potatoes, Yams, Licorice roots, Ginseng roots, Chicory roots & Cocoyam.
See prices of taro (arrowroot) in other countries across Asia: Kazakhstan taro (arrowroot), Kyrgyzstan taro (arrowroot), Tajikistan taro (arrowroot), Turkmenistan taro (arrowroot), Uzbekistan taro (arrowroot), China taro (arrowroot), Hong Kong taro (arrowroot), Macao taro (arrowroot), North Korea taro (arrowroot) & Mongolia taro (arrowroot).
China taro (arrowroot) - Production, Exports, Imports, Seasons and HS Codes
In 2019 China exported 1,819,808 tonnes of taro (arrowroot). For the year 2019 alone, the interest in China taro (arrowroot) (tubers category) has reduced, flactuating by -0.00439587 pc compared to the year 2018. Between 2017 and 2019, taro (arrowroot)'s exports increased by 3.31 pc bringing the exporter US$2,022.83m for the year 2019. China's taro (arrowroot) exports are categorised as:
- Taro "Colocasia spp.", fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not sliced or in the form of pellets (HS code 071440)
- Arrowroot, salep, Jerusalem artichokes and similar roots and tubers with high starch or inulin content, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not sliced or in the form of pellets, and sago pith (excluding manioc "cassava", sweet potatoes, yams, taro and yautia) (HS code 071490)
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China taro (arrowroot) export values
In 2019, China supplied taro (arrowroot) costing 2,022.83m USD, an improvement of 0.64% from 2018's total taro (arrowroot) export of 2009.888m USD. The annual increase in value of China taro (arrowroot) between 2017 to 2018 was 0.89394 percent.
The yearly variation in the volume of China's taro (arrowroot) exports between 2017 and 2019 was 3.31 pc in comparison to a variation of -0.00439587% in the period between 2018 and 2019.
China's share of the world's total taro (arrowroot)'s exports in 2019 was less than 1%. The country is ranked position 10 in world exports of taro (arrowroot).
Export markets for China taro (arrowroot) ( in '000$ )
Import/Export Trends
China is a net importer of taro (arrowroot). The annual growth of China taro (arrowroot) in value between 2015 to 2019 was 108%, per year, while annual growth in quantity through the same period was 107%, per annum.
China imported 9,600 tonnes of taro (arrowroot) in 2019.
The production of taro (arrowroot) in China was 61,817,280 tonnes in 2019 and is predicted to change by an average of 1.25%. The country had approximately 3,112,224.00 hectares under taro (arrowroot) cultivation.