¿Cuál es el precio de trigo por kilogramo/libra en Canadá hoy?
El rango de precio minorista para Canadá trigo está entre US$ 4.36 y US$ 13.41 por kilogramo o entre US$ 1.98 y US$ 6.08 por libra (lb). Haz clic aquí para ver los precios exactos de trigo hoy en Canadá
El rango de precios minoristas en Dólar canadiense trigo para CAD es de entre 5.89 y CAD por kilogramo o de entre 18.10 y CAD por libra(lb) en 2.67 y CAD.
Precios al por mayor
En 2024, el rango de precios mayoristas aproximado para Canadá trigo es de entre 3.05 y 9.39 por kilogramo o de entre 1.39 y 4.26 por libra(lb).
Herramienta de Búsqueda de Precios
Buscar precios de Canadá trigo y otros productos en diferentes países.
Precios de otros productos en la categoría Cereales/Granos en Canadá: Centeno, Cebada, Avena, Maíz, Arroz, Sorgo, Alforfón, Mijo, Semilla de canario & Fonio.
Ver precios de trigo en otros países en América del Norte: Guinea Ecuatorial trigo, Cuba trigo, República Dominicana trigo, Puerto Rico trigo, Costa Rica trigo, El Salvador trigo, Guatemala trigo, Honduras trigo, México trigo & Nicaragua trigo.
Prices of Canada’s wheat per tonne by province
Current average price: CA367.78 (US$)269.11)/ton for non-durum wheat and CA$534. 2 (US$390.89)/ton for durum wheat
In September 2023, the government of Alberta published producer wheat prices per province. Alberta topped the list as the costliest while Prince Edward Island (PEI) had the cheapest prices. This is the price outlook:
1. Alberta: CA$367.78 (US$268.40))/ton
2. British Columbia: CA$367.78 (US$268.40))/ton
3. Manitoba: CA$366.32 (US$267.88))/ton
4. Saskatchewan: CA$361.11 (US$264.01))/ton
5. Nova Scotia: CA$359.27 (US$259.82)/ton
6. Quebec: CA$354.09 (US$258.96))/ton
7. New Brunswick: CA$344.80 (US$252.17))/ton
8. PEI: CA$269.32 (US$196.98))/ton
Retail prices of wheat in Canada
Current prices: from CA$6.18 (US$4.52) to CA$18.99 (USS13.89) per kg
Like producer prices, retail prices for wheat in Canada are relatively up. Customers look for organic wheat labels as opposed to GMO when combing for grains in supermarket shelves. Offers go by the ounce and pound weight options in retail stores.
Wheat varieties in Canada
Canada boasts a rich climate that nurtures wheat prairies, where both durum (T. durum) and non-durum or common wheat (T.aestivum) grow.
Here are popular varieties from both species:
1. Canada Eastern Red Spring: a hard scarlet-tinged spring grain. It is great for baking.
2. Canada Eastern Hard Red Winter: this scarlet-tinged grain is the same as the spring variety only that it thrives during winter. It is good for milling grades that make flat breads and noodles.
3. Canada Eastern Soft Red Winter: a low protein, scarlet-tinged winter grain. It is good for making crackers, cakes and biscuits.
4. Canada Eastern Amber Durum: durum species with at least three milling grades. It is a great semolina-making kitchen companion.
5. Canada Eastern White Winter: this is a soft beige-tinged type that can make cakes and pastry. It is low in protein, however.