Was ist der Preis von knoblauch pro Kilogramm/Pfund in Kanada heute?
Die Einzelhandelspreisspanne für Kanada knoblauch liegt zwischen US$ 4.22 und US$ 15.21 pro Kilogramm oder zwischen US$ 1.91 und US$ 6.90 pro Pfund (lb). Hier klicken, um die genauen Preise von knoblauch heute in Kanada zu sehen
Der Einzelhandelspreisbereich in Kanadischer Dollar für knoblauch liegt zwischen CAD und 5.69 pro Kilogramm oder zwischen CAD und 20.53 pro Pfund (lb) in CAD und 2.58.
Im 2024 liegt der ungefähre Großhandelspreisbereich für Kanada knoblauch zwischen 2.95 und 10.64 pro Kilogramm oder zwischen 1.34 und 4.83 pro Pfund (lb).
Suchen Sie nach Preisen von Kanada knoblauch und anderen Produkten in verschiedenen Ländern.
Preise für andere Produkte in der Kräuter und Gewürze-Kategorie in Kanada: Pfeffer, Paprika (Bell Pepper), Vanille, Zimt, Gewürznelken, Muskatnuss, Macis, Kardamom, Anis & Koriandersamen.
Common varieties of garlic in Canada
Garlic varieties in Canada include Rocambole, Garlic Scape, Marbled Purple, Porcelain, Glazed Purple Stripe, among others. The three most popular cultivars, according to Ontario government are Rocambole, Porcelain and Glazed Purple Stripe.
The two main sub-species of garlic that grow in Canada are hardneck and softneck types. In Ontario province, the hardneck types sprout at end spring. They develop a statuesque flowering stalk and produce an average 4 to 12 cloves per bulb.
Softneck types, on the other hand, are quite productive, with 8 to 12 cloves per bulb. They lack flowering stalks but do extremely well in warmer Canadian regions.
Canada garlic prices for key varieties
Current average price: from CA$5.97 (US$4.36) to CA$44 (U$$32.14) per kg for both "softneck" and "hardneck" garlic
Most pricing options at farmers’ markets in Canada are for bulb per piece, seed garlic wholesale and bundles of fresh garlic per pound.
1. Fresh garlic price per pound bundle
If you go for the by-the-pound option, you will need 20 Canadian dollars (US$14.61) to buy a pound. If you prefer cheaper prices for fresh garlic, then the Russian red garlic braids come in handy at 16 Canadian dollars (US$11.69) per pound.
2. Seed garlic per bulb or wholesale
The seed garlic option is the most expensive as a single bulb can go for as much as 4 Canadian dollars (US$2.92).
Wholesale purchases of at least 6 to 50 bulbs per bundle comes to the rescue for seed garlic. Here you pay 50 cents to 1 local dollar less per pound than when buying one seed bulb.
3. Fresh garlic price per piece
The supermarket price for a single white fresh garlic bulb can be as high as CA$1.81 (U$1.32). This is why most customers go for bundle prices ,which offer markdown costs buffered by quantity.